Hey Parents and Students, Yishun Hannah tuition classes can resume in Phase 2! Yay! Bye bye to online zoom teaching!
Because each class needs to limit to 5 students, some of the lower secondary lessons will still be continuing zoom lessons with me in the evenings.

SG government had announced that tuition classes can resume once Phase 2 begins from 18-Jun-20 2359 hrs. However, we do note that everyone will still need to be cautious and play our part to achieve a COVID-safe Singapore.
Hannah Tuition (Yishun Tuition classes) will resume classes in phase 2 with the safe Management measures below,
- Students are seated at least 1m from one another at all times, with no physical interaction between students.
- There are no more than 5 students for each class.
- All students who are are placed on Leave of Absence (LOA) or Approved Absence (AA) by their schools, or students who are on a Stay Home Notice (SHN), or Home Quarantine Order (HQO) are not allowed to attend lessons.
- Students with fever or respiratory symptoms (eg sneezing, breathlessness, runny nose, loss of smell, cough, or sore throat) will be asked to go home.
- Every student will be checked at the door for temperature and to disinfect their hands with sanitizer provided before coming into the classroom.
- Masks must be worn as a default at all times.
- All surfaces in classrooms will be thoroughly disinfected between classes.
- Class timings are planned with a 15 minutes gap to allow forĀ adequate time to disinfect classroom surfaces. This is also to ensure strict separation of individuals from different classes. We will be using the guidelines from gov.sg site. https://www.gov.sg/article/5-steps-to-clean-and-disinfect-homes-possibly-exposed-to-ncov
- Air purifier will be turned on for all lessons.
Whether students are coming back for physical lessons or continuing with zoom lessons, please spend some time to go through some of the youtube topics that i did. And those that I have previously watsapp you. Thanks!