Common Percentage Questions in PSLE
All P6 students must be able to do these 5 questions. Hand-outs will be given outΒ in this week’s lesson. π
All P6 students must be able to do these 5 questions. Hand-outs will be given outΒ in this week’s lesson. π
Parents, this is the latest maths quiz that I prepared. These are common 4 or 5 marks problem sums. Students need to know how to tackle all of these problem sums. Will go through in class but students will be retested on these questions. Thanks!
Realise some of my students are still weak on this type of problem sums. This type of problem sums requires students to identify the number of units and value of each units. Praying my P6 students will be able to absorb this mathematical concept well. π
P6s, we are moving up another level in problem sums solving. We can do it. Students have to finish the algebra worksheet before attempting this practice. π
Hi P6 students, before Mrs Chew leave for her annual retreat, here is the final Maths worksheet of 2013! Enjoy!
Hi PSLE Scorers, Here is this week’s Science worksheet on Heat and Light Energy. π
Here are the questions this week!
Maths Revision Worksheet for this week! Welcome back! My P5 students!