Upper Primary Reproductive System Science Quiz
[mtouchquiz 8]
[mtouchquiz 8]
Teaching Periodic Table and Kinetic Particle theory to my Sec 1s during the June holidays! Its revision for some of them as I have already go through questions on this topic if this topic is covered in the first term. 🙂
To all Hannahtuition beloved P3 students, Are you all excited about learning Science next year? 🙂 Here is last week quiz on Living and non-living things if you have missed it. Parents, kindly ask the children to read through and try to attempt these questions. There will be another quiz on this topic next week. Read more about P3 Science ( Living and Non-living things)[…]
Parents, This is last week Science Quiz. It’s a short quiz which aims to test certain basic concepts for the chapters. As I only have several primary school students this year and I do not like to highlight who are the bottom few so my habit is only to disclose the one score the highest for this quiz. Top Scorer: Adam Wong Read more about Science Quiz on Heat and Matter (Primary 3 and 4) . Top Scorer: Adam Wong. Keep it up![…]