Stress management for Kiasu Parents :)

Some parents are afraid that the child will lose out to their peers if they do not prepare their kids well enough. It all come from a good intention to give the best to their children but I realise most kiasu parents get stressed when kids do not perform as per expectations especially after attending so many classes. The stress then get transfered to the children when the parents sign them up for more classes. 🙁

Come on, raise your hands! Are you one of those ‘kiasu” parents? hee

Kiasu ~ a singlish term derived from Hokkien language for a behaviour of being  anxious not to miss out on any opportunity

Do you buy primary one books for your kindergarten children and enroll them in different enrichment classes so that they will be exposed to as many “skills” as possible?

Ok, although i am not a parent yet, but i raise both my hands on this question. I am guilty of being “kiasu” since I was a child. I will ask around for old notes and exercises from my seniors so that i can have the solutions for next year questions.  I will request my dad to find me a tutor in December holidays so that i start studying on next year syllabus earlier than my friends. I did all these just because I am afraid of LOSING OUT. Thank God i did well academically. I can not imagine how stress i will feel if i did not.

As i grew older, i realise our works can just take us so far. As i depend more on my works, i got panic attacks each time a critical examination grade did not meet my expectations.

Thank God i am completely healed of anxiety attacks in my mid-twenties. If not, under such bondage, i cant not imagine being a parent. I look at so many wonderful parents and salute them. Parenting is such an amazing role. Parents are mentors, playmates, teachers, confidantes, disciplinary masters,  cheer-leaders all in one body. Woot!

To me, parents are more than super-heros! And as super-super heros, we know that with GREAT POWER, come GREAT RESPONSIBILTIES.  To all parents out there (kiasu or not), lets not get stressed over our children, our work, the volatile economy, our mundane daily lives but rejoice and be glad in each day that was made. 🙂

Ask yourself 3 things you are thankful of each day. I realise there are always more than 3 things for me. 🙂

Found this nice short clip on stress management for parents and children on youtube.

Wait a minute. Just to quote what PM Lee said in this year national rally. ” Let our children have their childhood.” 🙂

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