How to improve your Maths and Chemistry/Physics by at least 2 grades?
Hi all, I have been coaching secondary Maths, Chemistry Physics tuition since 15 years ago. I have helped 100% students improve. Read on to find out more! ?
Why Hannahtuition?
- 100% improvement
- 17 years of experience
- Youtube channel – chapters summaries, common mistakes
- Small group tuition (All classes taught personally by me. Some lessons with undergraduate assistant teachers)
- Customized lessons according to students’ topic progression in school
How are our lessons different?
Our lessons consist of concepts recap and lots of hands-on practices. Before each lesson, Whatsapp messages will be sent to students or parents to ask what topic are the student currently in and what questions they have for that topic. During the lesson, concepts will be explained or re-taught to the weaker students and practices/quizes will be given to the students who already understand the topic. No time is wasted!
When students are stucked at the practices, student will be re-taught while we have more challenging questions for those students who already complete the practices. Students do not need to spend time listening how to solve questions they already know.
It is like having 1 to 1 tuition with an experienced full-time tutor (who dares to make educational videos and share with her students/parents), but at a much lower cost because it is in a small group setting. This type of customized coaching is not possible in tuition centres where teachers teach accordingly to their curriculum structure. I always believe the most effective learning take place when the school and tutors are on the same pace, reinforcing the concepts and problem solutions.
Questions are given in progressive manner so students build confidence. Exam papers practice starts from mid year. Short YouTube educational videos are sent to students to watch for further re-inforcement at home.
Each lesson is 1hr 45mins to 2hrs instead of 1hr30mins in most tuition centres. The travelling time will not be wasted!
About Me
- Distinctions in Chemistry, Additional Maths, Elementary Maths, in Olevels. (Total 6 distinctions in Olevels)
- Distinctions in Maths C, Chemistry, Physics (3 distinctions in Alevels)
- Bachelor of Material Engineering – Second Class Honours (NTU)
- Master of Science (NTU)

Here is one Youtube video where Mrs Chew shares 2023 Olevels Results of Hannahtuition students.
The number of people one has impacted shows much more than any qualifications one have. (Oh, by the way, i do have a Masters degree from NTU Singapore)
Click on the links below to view over 100 testimonials parents have graciously written for me on facebook / google directory / website.
I usually only have 10 NEW Maths, Chemistry or Physics tuition slots per academic year because of graduating students.