Below are several shout-outs from hannahtuition’s heart;
1st shoutout: Children Should be taught How to Think Not What to Think 🙂
I like to challenge my students to think or relate to similar questions or logic when the students ask me to solve certain questions. I realise some children did not realise they give up easily when faced with some “seemingly difficult” problems.
Most of the time, I do not need to tell them the solution. Just prompt them a few questions and they can solve it themselves!! YEA!!
(Never underestimate how much knowledge and skills children can pick up. When I am coaching golf part-time to pre-schoolers, most of the parents can not believe when we told them our target is to train these kids to complete an executive par 3 golf course.)
2nd shout-out:Â Involve children during teaching ( No more 1 way communication please! )
You can not teach a child to swim when both of you are not in the water.
Both teacher and the students need to get into the pool.
A child learns best when they feel safe to explore, to ask questions and to fail.
3rd shout-out: Maths is not boring! 🙂
Most of the children no longer “brand” Mathematics as a boring subject after they understand certain concepts and do well in the Maths exams. 🙂
4th shout-out: Let me proudly present Hannahtuition goals! *clap clap*
5th shout-out: Yes! you can contact me anytime ( i mean it! 🙂 ) But my family always comes first! Whee!
There are so many things I want to do. But there are only 24 hours a day.
I pray that God prospers the works of my hands and let me achieve much using the time I have. 🙂
Re-blogged from one of my Sep12 entries. 😉
BEST way to realising our mistake when we teach..thank you soo much..
i realized that i could teach my student accourding to ur method