MCQs on Sexual Reproduction in Human Beings

Attention all hannahtuition Science students,

please attempt the following MCQs after you recieve my watsapp, sms, or any mobile message. 🙂

You may either write on piece of paper OR copy and paste these equations with your answers on the comment below.

We will go through this in the next lesson. Enjoy!


1. What is the purpose of reproduction?

(A) To produce new species

(B) To increase the numbers of organisms

(C) To ensure the continuation of the species

(D) To divide cells

2. Humans reproduce by .

(A) Sexual reproduction

(B) Bisexual reproduction

(C) In-vitro fertilization

(D) Simple cell division


3. During sexual reproduction, .

1: fertilization must occur

11: the offspring are not the same as the parents

111: a single parent cell divides into two new cells

IV: two specialized cells are involved

(A) l and IV only

(B) II and III only

(C) I, II, IV only

(D) all of the above



Questions 4 to 6 refer to the following options.


4. Which diagram shows a male sex cell

5. Which diagram shows a female sex cell?

6. Which diagram shows an organism that reproduces by simple cell division?

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following options.

(A) Uterus (B) Testes (C) ovary (D) Oviduct

7. Where are human sperms produced?

8. Where are human eggs produced?

9. Which of the following cannot move across the placenta from the mother to the developing embryo?

(A) food (a) water (6) Carbon dioxide (D) Red blood cells

10. When a human sperm fuses with a human egg, how many chromosomes will the fertilized egg have?

(A) 23 single chromosomes

(B) 23 pairs of chromosomes

(C) 46 single chromosomes 

(D) 46 pairs of chromosomes

11. What is being developed if a single fertilized egg divides in two embryos?

(A) 2 boys (B) 2 girls (C) One boy and one girl (D) two identical boys or girls  

12. What substance causes physical changes In a boy during puberty?

(A) Sperm (B) Semen (C) Testosterone (D) Oestrogen

13. In a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs at days _______

(A) l to 5 (B) 13 to 15 (c) 19 to 21 (D) 25 to 28

14. Human sex cells have 23 single chromosomes. How many chromosome(s) is/are involved in deciding the sex of the child

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 22 (D) 13

15. Human egg cells contain an X chromosome. Human sperm cells either have an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. What combination of X and Y chromosomes must be found in the normal cells of a adult female?

(A) XX (B) XY (C) YX (D) YY

16. Which part of the male reproductive system carries sperm and urine at different times?

(A) Scrotum

(B) Sex glands

(C ) Urethra

(d) Sperm duct


That’s all, folks. 🙂

1 thought on “MCQs on Sexual Reproduction in Human Beings

  • I receive a few enquiries on questions 14 & 15. Here are some tips. Humans and some mammals have the XY sex-determination system. In this system, females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX). Males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY). Its the presence (or absence)of Y chromosomes that determine the gender. 🙂

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