Good news and not so good news…In the first quarter of 2013

Last few days had been filled with good news and not so good news.


Good news 1

I have received a notification from the administrator of . They asked for my permission to list me in their website.

Wow. I have been to their website before and it feature high profile tutors, most owning famous learning centres and also some well-knowned education publishers.

For a moment, I felt proud of myself. Then I slowly realise it is not by my efforts at all. This is truly by the grace of God. Effortless and restful. If it is by my efforts then I have to maintain it. But God has made writing this blog and all the materials quite effortless for me. As in, I enjoy doing it and doesnt really take up much of my time.

My husband told me that I am favoured. Yes, indeed. Even I am not one of  those A* tutors who own learning centres or publish books (yet) or I do not have a PDGE, God can still put me at positions where these people are at.

domain of expert link

I thank God for this unmerited favour and will continue to do what God has already given me the grace to do.

* Please dont misunderstand that the work of tutors is easy. There are many times I mark worksheets or prepare teaching materials till 1am.* But by the grace of God, I enjoy this work and more often, feel more energetic after lesson than otherwise.  🙂


Good news 2

Most of my students who had received their results, did well in their first CA or common test.


One Sec 4 girl got 92% for emaths. ( Riverside Sec)

Another Sec 4 girl improved from D7 to B4 for amaths (Orchid Park Sec). * Started tuition this year with me*

One P3 boy score full marks for his Science. (Jiemin Pri). Maths results not out yet.

One P5 boy score full marks for his Maths (Jiemin Pri) Science results not out yet.

One P5 girl score 90% for her Maths (Jiemin Pri) Science results not out yet.

One P5 boy score 80% for Maths and 89% for Science (Yishun Pri)



Not so good news 1

2 Sec 3 girls students did not do as well.

They got C5 and B4 while I believe they can obtain at least a B3 or A2. 🙁

1 Sec 1 girl also didnt do as well. She got 17/30.

I realise these 3 girls have  something in common. They made several careless mistakes.

I was quite disappointed for a while untill my husband point out to me that I can only do my best. I cant take the results too personally. 🙁

Yup, I decide to let it go and I pray that I have the wisdom to teach and mentor them to do less careless mistakes moving forward.


Not so good news 2

Last week, I really felt overwhelmed with tuition and work that I felt so tired.

This year, I had much more classes and I had been sleeping late. I also felt that there isn’t enough couple time for me and hubby.

I pray for more time to rest and wisdom to labour into rest. 🙂



Looking forward to more good news from the rest of my students! and myself! 🙂

God is good , all the time! Even when we have not so good news, God is still good!


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